Indexical Archive
- Press Release for Horacio Alcolea Crespo Zoom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/!$$ at barsa (Emergent Magazine)
- My Next Magnum Opus (Publication Forthcoming)
- 2 Books - Theaphora's Virtual Notebook Console
- On Recording Pt. 1 - Health Gossip
- On Recording Pt. 2 - Health Gossip
- Sestina - Recliner Mag
- S. Paul, Jake Shore at Kunsthalle Der Licht
- S. Paul, Jake Shore at Kunsthalle Der Licht (Reader)
- S. Paul, Jake Shore Lecture at Cooper Union (Video Forthcoming)
- Soldes Summer Show
- Zaid Milefchik, Nilo Goldfarb, S. Paul at P.E.O.P.L.E.
- Zaid Milefchik, Nilo Goldfarb, S. Paul at P.E.O.P.L.E. (Publication)
- Out 1: Two
- Classic Selena + [Interview]
- Place-Texts: Los Angeles, Washington, Las Vegas, Residency, Kansas City
- Videos: deux (ii) in, Ladeira da Misericórdia 1, roll another 1, the poo ling surge 4, the world is gone, lol
- Audio: the top shottas collection, WORK MUSIC , WORK MUSIC II, this babylon ass reality